Sunday, October 11, 2015

Dear AFVAI veterans

        With due regard and respect, I would like to share my agony with fellow veterans who r interested in Welfare of the Veterans. Your Tamilnadu convener Veteran CpL Mohanarangan is behaving like political parties Horse trader. May be the experience he learned during Delhi stay. By keep on telling," I don't know any thing and I was not aware of your problems". to Other association veterans ,I dont understand ,what he wants to convey.

With out doing any ground work or involving in veterans life he is criticizing others. That can be tolerated to some extent but getting in to the internal matters of other association is crossing the limits. He has called some of my members and said that Krishnamurthy is not showing the accounts and many things more. How can he say that, Is he member of ESSAAA?. What is his experience about Dharmapuri or ESSAAA? .

It is not the first time , some days before there was a indirect referance on chat box by Sgt Ashok raj. Veteran Dp Patnaik may be aware of that. Sgt Ashok raj version was that Dharmapuri is Army dominated and they are not well intelligent.Few of our people are exploiting them. Having been present during few activities he should have been aware that all my executives are well intelligent and in prominent position in the society.Also he is aware that I am playing the lead role. Veteran Cpl Mohanarangan was accompanied by the same Veteran Sgt Ashok Raj . Cpl mohanaRangan should reveal the names of those who complained /given the tip off. Has he made them members of AFVAI at their own cost ,ie without sponsorship. I am afraid he has not. If so why they have not accompanied him. A executive demanding equality(not equity) in fees , eligibility for presidentship and also drafting the constitution but does not pay the prescribed fees cannot command the respect of the members.Also who want to make merry of veteran money for calculating the pension eligibility and wants assn secretary to toe his line cannot be good for any association.

ESSAAA has been created by the same veterans who were instrumental in creating AFVAI. Many of them could not do their part for various constraints. However essaaa ,TN survived onslaughts and misadventures by some. We have very strong affectionate selfless executives .By calling other association members citing low membership fees creates a trust deficit on that association. How funds for the activities generated , may be like JM?. Many of you are criticising collecing Rs550/= for court case . As per my knowledge, No association has won court battle by sponsorship, If any body willing for sponsorship may come forward. However your TN convener demanded 10 % of the monetary benefit from every individual for JWO pension case.Is it not looting?. . He cannot deny the fact as some were referred by me.All veteran referred by me are discharged 13 years before. If he is sincere in veterans welfare he should have filed the case suo moto. how can he file ,he did not get the numbers he wanted(100s or 1000?).
What is the service ,the convener has done to Tamilnadu veterans other than collecting money from gullible persons. Has he done any single bit to the welfare of the ESM in Tamilnadu. How many funerals of the veterans or their families he has attended?.How many veterans family function he has attended?. How many veterans have attended any funeral in his family?.How many times he has skipped his meals for the sake o veterans welfare?.  How many times he visited police stations to solve veterans problem?. How many family disputes has he settled?. How many cout cases he has won for the veterans pension?. How many welfare meetings conducted by him?. what is his efforts for veterans rehabilitation? where were you all when Khoshiyari committee called for the views? Has AFVAI or CPL Mohanarangan represented any section of Tamilnadu veterans?. Once he does not have any credit , he should not blame other rightful persons. Also one should understand sailing or getting water during tsunami is easy but that is not easy on sunny days. Just conveniently made use of some others movement and conninghly self credited for all events. Has he done any thing to increase the salary for temple watchman duties? .Has he done any thing to improve the salary of our veterans working as security?. Has he attempted on any issue?. Essaaa solved low wages crisis during 2011 general assembly election .Also got allotted separate ESm welfare office for Dharmapuri . ESAAA is also instrumental use of ESM in EB department . ESSAAA also took up all aove issues with government.

ESSAAA conducted may employment rallies, Got milk parlors for the veterans but no body is interested.Represented CSD requirement to Army HQ by ESSAA National president PJS Chatwal. The pitiable condition of the veteran families accessing CSD at Krishagiri has been published in the dailies and put up on the website. ESSAAA team met Station Commander , Redfields for making a request for CSD at Dharmapuri.Brig Sivaraman was kind enough to make a case for CSD and had a meeting with GOC, ATNKK. My self ,President ESSAA Sub Maj G Nagarajan met then GOC,ATNKK who happened to be his CO some time back. Same team also met Gen Krishnamanen i/c Q branch ATNKK, who took up the matter in the Corporate meeting.Also ESSAAA team met TN Higher education minister Hon P Palaniappan to request him to move one NCC Battalion from Salem to Dharmapuri so that a URC can be established. with all these efforts, A servey of veteran population and access to CSD was conducted. Now CSD re-organization is going on. A new officer is posted additionally at Salem for that. Probably Dharmapuri will get an Extension counter at least soon. CPL Mohanarangan has promised to get CSD if strength is more than 2000. With out knowing the current position just beating around the bush.

ON OROP front we have done well. It was AFVAI call we have honoured with A grand rally and Hunger strike under the UFESM banner . ESSAAA is proud to be associated with ANNA Hazare and also involved in arranging the rally at Mannargudi in TN.One can view press release on this matter. But what is Cpl mohanarangans contribution other than entertaining people on the chatbox. Even AFVAI claimed falsely as an organiser for Anna Hazare rally at Bangalore which was cancelled by col Rajan unilaterally. Making statements against Gen Satbir singh and Posing for Photos along with him pointed out the double speak. where was he on 14th after police handling JM. It is ESSAAA TN, president , who gave "touch me not" message to the government with a Black Flag motor cycle rally.

In Pre 2006 Pension we have created awareness amog veterans and non stoppingly dispensed information to veterans for the past two months. More than 1500 people spoke to me personnally on this matter. So ESSAA is Service oriented and we r well internally also no need to mess up by third party. I also demand an unconditional apology from him and Veterans view on this subject.

Last but not the least, every veteran should understand that Govt did not act due to some small group at JM but acted to satisfy larger section of the veterans spread across the country and their love for Armed Forces. Present status is the testimony to this. people Like Cpl mohanarangan can claim that they have arranged every thing at JM.But we know what is his height and also his deeds. Associations like ESSAA are holding the key to reverse the situation but they are disillusioned by peoples like cpl Mohanarangan and Gen Satbir Singh who are self centered and plunged in to self glorification.



K krishnamoorthy


Sunday, October 4, 2015


SEPOY GP 'X' 15 4,035 5,368 122,806 4637 27704 95,102
15.5 4,114 5,475 124,405 4730 28348 96,057
16 4,196 5,583 125,913 4822 28809 97,104
16.5 4,277 5,690 127,420 4915 29361 98,059
17 4,356 5,797 129,020 5008 30005 99,015
17.5 4,438 5,905 130,527 5100 30465 100,062
18 4,519 6,012 132,035 5193 31017 101,017
18.5 4,598 6,119 133,738 5286 31662 102,076
19 4,679 6,227 135,188 5379 32214 102,974
19.5 4,761 6,334 136,649 5741 45100 91,549
20 & Above 4,840 6,441 138,352 5564 33318 105,034

SEPOY GP 'Y' 15 3748 4,603 91,066 3883 6213 84,853
15.5 3823 4,695 92,055 3961 6351 85,705
16 3897 4,787 93,195 4038 6489 86,706
16.5 3972 4,879 94,184 4116 6627 87,557
17 4046 4,971 95,323 4194 6811 88,513
17.5 4122 5,063 96,267 4271 6857 89,410
18 4198 5,155 97,314 4349 6949 90,365
18.5 4272 5,247 98,350 4427 7133 91,217
19 4348 5,339 99,397 4504 7179 92,218
19.5 4422 5,431 100,433 4582 7363 93,070
20 & Above 4497 5,523 101,526 4660 7501 94,025

NAIK(TS) /HONY NK GP 'X' 15 4035 5289 127,358 4637 27704 99,654
15.5 4,114 5,404 128,497 4730 28348 100,148
16 4,196 5,519 129,601 4822 28809 100,792
16.5 4,277 5,634 130,647 4915 29361 101,286
17 4,356 5,749 131,786 5008 30005 101,781
17.5 4,438 5,864 132,890 5100 30465 102,424
18 4,519 5,979 133,936 5193 31017 102,919
18.5 4,598 6,094 135,178 5286 31662 103,517
19 4,679 6,209 136,225 5379 32214 104,011
19.5 4,761 6,324 137,225 5471 32674 104,551
20 4,840 6,439 138,467 5564 33318 105,149
20.5 4,914 6,554 137,556 5647 33733 103,823
21 5,000 6,669 139,098 5647 29775 109,323
21.5 5,085 6,784 140,789 5744 30327 110,462
22 5,172 6,899 142,285 5841 30787 111,498

NAIK(TS & HONY) GP 'Y' 15 3,762 4,634 94,128 3883 5568 88,560
15.5 3,842 4,735 95,302 3961 5476 89,826
16 3,924 4,836 96,384 4038 5246 91,137
16.5 4,005 4,937 97,511 4116 5108 92,403
17 4,087 5,037 98,651 4194 4924 93,726
17.5 4,168 5,138 99,778 4271 4740 95,038
18 4,253 5,239 100,722 4350 4464 96,258
18.5 4,334 5,340 101,953 4433 4556 97,397
19 4,416 5,440 103,092 4517 4648 98,444
19.5 4,497 5,541 104,220 4600 4740 99,480
20 4,578 5,842 93,823 4684 4878 88,945
20.5 4,660 5,743 106,430 4768 4970 101,459
21 4,743 5,843 107,523 4851 4970 102,553
21.5 4,824 5,944 108,650 4935 5108 103,542
22 4,905 6,045 109,778 5019 5246 104,532

NAIK GP X 15 4,035 5,368 122,806 4637 27704 95,102
15.5 4,114 5,475 124,405 4730 28348 96,057
16 4,196 5,583 125,913 4822 28809 97,104
16.5 4,277 5,690 127,420 4915 29361 98,059
17 4,356 5,797 129,020 5008 30005 99,015
17.5 4,438 5,905 130,527 5100 30465 100,062
18 4,519 6,012 132,035 5193 31017 101,017
18.5 4,598 6,119 133,738 5286 31662 102,076
19 4,679 6,227 135,188 5379 32214 102,974
19.5 4,761 6,334 136,649 5471 32674 103,975
20 4,840 6,441 138,352 5564 33318 105,034
20.5 4,917 6,555 137,464 5647 33595 103,869
21 5,003 6,670 139,006 5647 29637 109,369
21.5 5,089 6,785 140,651 5744 30143 110,508
22 5,175 6,900 142,193 5841 30649 111,544
22.5 5,175 6,900 142,193 5841 30649 111,544
23 5,175 6,900 142,193 5841 30649 111,544
23.5 5,175 6,900 142,193 5841 30649 111,544
24 5,175 6,900 142,193 5841 30649 111,544
24.5 5,175 6,900 142,193 5841 30649 111,544
25 5,175 6,900 142,193 5841 30649 111,544
25.5 5,175 7,015 135,566 5939 35159 100,407
26 5,175 7,130 128,939 6036 39623 89,316
26.5 5,175 7,245 122,313 6133 44087 78,225
27 5,175 7,360 115,686 6231 48597 67,089
27.5 5,175 7,475 121,185 6328 53061 68,124
28 & Above 5,175 7,590 126,685 6425 57525 69,160

NAIK GP 'Y' 15 3,764 4,635 94,082 3883 5476 88,606
15.5 3,846 4,736 95,164 3961 5292 89,872
16 3,927 4,837 96,292 4038 5108 91,183
16.5 4,009 4,938 97,373 4116 4924 92,449
17 4,090 5,038 98,558 4194 4786 93,772
17.5 4,171 5,139 99,686 4271 4602 95,084
18 4,254 5,240 100,722 4350 4418 96,304
18.5 4,336 5,341 101,907 4433 4464 97,443
19 4,417 5,441 103,092 4517 4602 98,490
19.5 4,498 5,542 104,220 4600 4694 99,526
20 4,580 5,643 105,302 4684 4786 100,516
20.5 4,661 5,744 106,430 4768 4924 101,505
21 4,745 5,844 107,477 4851 4878 102,599
21.5 4,826 5,945 108,604 4935 5016 103,588
22 4,908 6,046 109,686 5019 5108 104,578
22.5 4,908 6,046 109,686 5019 5108 104,578
23 4,908 6,046 109,686 5019 5108 104,578
23.5 4,908 6,046 109,686 5019 5108 104,578
24 4,908 6,046 109,686 5019 5108 104,578
24.5 4,908 6,046 109,686 5019 5108 104,578
25 4,908 6,046 109,686 5019 5108 104,578
25.5 4,908 6,147 103,866 5102 8928 94,938
26 4,908 6,247 98,104 5186 12794 85,310
26.5 4,908 6,348 92,284 5270 16659 75,624
27 4,908 6,449 86,463 5353 20479 65,985
27.5 4,908 6,550 91,319 5437 24345 66,974
28 & Above 4,908 6,650 96,232 5520 28164 68,067

HONY HAV 'X' GP 15 4,105 5,368 162,286 4637 24483 137,803
15.5 4,204 5,482 165,567 4730 24207 141,361
16 4,303 5,609 167,996 4822 23884 144,112
16.5 4,399 5,737 170,609 4915 23746 146,862
17 4,497 5,864 173,187 5008 23516 149,671
17.5 4,596 5,992 175,558 5100 23194 152,364
18 4,693 6,119 178,182 5193 23010 155,172
18.5 4,790 6,247 180,645 5286 22826 157,819
19 4,887 6,374 183,270 5379 22642 160,628
19.5 4,987 6,502 185,595 5471 22274 163,321
20 5,084 6,629 188,219 5564 22090 166,129
20.5 5,181 6,757 190,682 5590 18822 171,860
21 5,278 6,884 193,306 5695 19190 174,116
21.5 5,378 7,012 195,735 5800 19420 176,315
22 5,474 7,139 198,302 5906 19881 178,421
22.5 5,572 7,267 200,823 6011 20203 180,620
23 5,669 7,394 203,343 6117 20617 182,726
23.5 5,768 7,522 205,818 6222 20893 184,925
24 5,866 7,649 208,293 6328 21261 187,031
24.5 5,866 7,649 208,293 6328 21261 187,031
25 5,866 7,649 208,293 6328 21261 187,031
25.5 5,963 7,777 196,453 6433 21629 174,823
26 & Above 6,061 7,904 184,624 6539 21998 162,627

HONY HAV 'Y' GP 15 3,764 4,635 109,007 3883 5476 103,531
15.5 3,846 4,736 111,332 3961 5292 106,040
16 3,927 4,837 113,704 4038 5108 108,596
16.5 4,009 4,938 116,133 4116 4924 111,209
17 4,090 5,038 118,562 4194 4786 113,776
17.5 4,171 5,141 120,714 4271 4602 116,112
18 4,254 5,250 122,636 4350 4418 118,219
18.5 4,343 5,360 124,225 4433 4142 120,083
19 4,430 5,469 125,859 4517 4004 121,855
19.5 4,519 5,579 127,344 4600 3728 123,616
20 4,607 5,688 128,932 4684 3544 125,388
20.5 4,695 5,797 130,520 4768 3359 127,161
21 4,786 5,907 132,016 4851 2991 129,025
21.5 4,874 6,016 133,605 4935 2807 130,798
22 4,962 6,126 135,135 5019 2623 132,512
22.5 5,050 6,235 136,724 5027 0 136,724
23 5,139 6,344 138,370 5115 0 138,370
23.5 5,229 6,454 139,808 5203 0 139,808
24 5,316 6,563 141,443 5291 0 141,443
24.5 5,316 6,563 141,443 5291 0 141,443
25 5,316 6,563 141,443 5291 0 141,443
25.5 5,405 6,673 131,008 5380 0 131,008
26 & Above 5,492 6,782 120,723 5468 0 120,723

HAV GP 'X' 15 4,108 5,368 162,251 4637 24345 137,907
15.5 4,208 5,483 165,429 4730 24022 141,407
16 4,304 5,610 167,996 4822 23838 144,158
16.5 4,402 5,738 170,517 4915 23608 146,908
17 4,498 5,865 173,187 5008 23470 149,717
17.5 4,598 5,993 175,512 5100 23102 152,410
18 4,695 6,120 178,136 5193 22918 155,218
18.5 4,792 6,248 180,599 5286 22734 157,866
19 4,890 6,375 183,178 5379 22504 160,674
19.5 4,989 6,503 185,549 5471 22182 163,367
20 5,085 6,630 188,219 5564 22044 166,175
20.5 5,184 6,758 190,590 5590 18684 171,906
21 5,280 6,885 193,260 5695 19098 174,162
21.5 5,379 7,013 195,735 5800 19374 176,361
22 5,479 7,140 198,118 5906 19651 178,467
22.5 5,574 7,268 200,776 6011 20111 180,666
23 5,672 7,395 203,251 6117 20479 182,772
23.5 5,772 7,523 205,680 6222 20709 184,971
24 5,868 7,650 208,350 6328 21169 187,181
24.5 5,868 7,650 208,247 6328 21169 187,077
25 5,868 7,650 208,247 6328 21169 187,077
25.5 5,966 7,778 196,361 6433 21491 174,869
26 6,062 7,905 184,624 6539 21952 162,673
26.5 6,162 8,033 172,646 6644 22182 150,465
27 6,259 8,160 160,864 6750 22596 138,268
27.5 6,259 8,588 150,608 6855 27428 123,180
28 & Above 6,259 8,415 174,880 6960 32260 142,620

HAV GP 'Y' 15 3,764 4,635 109,111 3883 5476 103,634
15.5 3,846 4,738 111,321 3961 5292 106,028
16 3,927 4,837 113,807 4038 5108 108,699
16.5 4,009 4,938 116,236 4116 4924 111,312
17 4,090 5,038 118,666 4194 4786 113,879
17.5 4,171 5,142 120,864 4271 4602 116,262
18 4,254 5,251 122,682 4350 4418 118,265
18.5 4,344 5,361 124,225 4433 4096 120,129
19 4,434 5,470 125,721 4517 3820 121,901
19.5 4,520 5,580 127,344 4600 3682 123,662
20 4,610 5,689 128,840 4684 3405 125,434
20.5 4,698 5,798 130,428 4768 3221 127,207
21 4,788 5,908 131,970 4851 2899 129,071
21.5 4,876 6,017 133,559 4935 2715 130,844
22 4,964 6,127 135,089 5019 2531 132,558
22.5 5,052 6,236 136,678 5027 0 136,678
23 5,140 6,345 138,370 5115 0 138,370
23.5 5,231 6,455 139,762 5203 0 139,762
24 5,320 6,564 141,304 5291 0 141,304
24.5 5,320 6,564 141,304 5291 0 141,304
25 5,320 6,564 141,304 5291 0 141,304
25.5 5,407 6,674 130,962 5380 0 130,962
26 5,496 6,783 120,585 5468 0 120,585
26.5 5,583 6,892 110,300 5556 0 110,300
27 5,673 7,002 99,820 5644 0 99,820
27.5 5,673 7,111 105,458 5732 2715 102,743
28 & Above 5,673 7,220 111,096 5820 6765 104,331

HONY NB SUB 'X' 15 4,334 5,581 163,001 5558 56328 106,672
15.5 4,434 5,709 165,429 5697 58123 107,306
16 4,530 5,836 167,996 5836 60102 107,894
16.5 4,628 5,964 170,517 5975 61989 108,528
17 4,724 6,091 173,187 6114 63968 109,219
17.5 4,824 6,219 175,512 6253 65763 109,749
18 4,921 6,346 178,136 6392 67695 110,441
18.5 5,018 6,474 180,599 6531 69628 110,971
19 5,116 6,601 183,178 6670 71515 111,663
19.5 5,215 6,729 185,549 6809 73356 112,193
20 5,311 6,856 188,219 6947 75289 112,930
20.5 5,410 6,984 190,590 7086 77130 113,461
21 5,506 7,111 193,260 7225 79108 114,152
21.5 5,605 7,239 195,735 7364 80949 114,786
22 5,704 7,366 198,164 7503 82790 115,374
22.5 5,800 7,494 200,776 7642 84769 116,008
23 5,898 7,621 203,251 7781 86656 116,596
23.5 5,998 7,749 205,680 7920 88450 117,229
24 6,094 7,876 208,247 8059 90429 117,817
24.5 6,094 7,876 208,247 8198 96826 111,420
25 6,094 7,876 208,247 8337 103223 105,024
25.5 6,192 8,004 196,361 8476 105110 91,251
26 6,288 8,131 184,624 8615 107089 77,536
26.5 6,288 8,259 177,248 8754 113485 63,763
27 6,288 8,386 169,930 8893 119882 50,048
27.5 6,288 8,514 176,961 9032 126279 50,682
28 & Above 6,288 8,641 183,945 9170 132630 51,316

HONY NB SUB 'Y' 15 3950 4,821 113,256 5049 50576 62,680
15.5 4037 4,930 114,891 5175 52371 62,520
16 4126 5,040 116,375 5301 54074 62,302
16.5 4216 5,149 117,975 5428 55776 62,199
17 4304 5,259 119,506 5554 57525 61,981
17.5 4393 5,368 121,048 5680 59228 61,820
18 4480 5,477 122,682 5806 61023 61,660
18.5 4570 5,587 124,225 5932 62679 61,545
19 4660 5,696 125,721 6059 64382 61,339
19.5 4746 5,806 127,344 6185 66223 61,121
20 4836 5,915 128,840 6311 67880 60,960
20.5 4924 6,024 130,428 6437 69628 60,800
21 5014 6,134 131,970 6564 71331 60,639
21.5 5102 6,243 133,559 6690 73080 60,479
22 5190 6,353 135,089 6816 74829 60,261
22.5 5278 6,462 136,678 6942 76577 60,100
23 5366 6,571 138,370 7068 78326 60,044
23.5 5457 6,681 139,762 7195 79983 59,779
24 5546 6,790 141,304 7321 81686 59,619
24.5 5546 6,790 141,304 7447 87484 53,820
25 5546 6,790 141,304 7573 93283 48,022
25.5 5633 6,900 130,962 7699 95077 35,885
26 5722 7,009 120,585 7826 96826 23,759
26.5 5722 7,118 114,304 7952 102625 11,680
27 5722 7,228 107,965 8078 108423 -458
27.5 5722 7,337 113,604 8204 114222 -618
28 & Above 5722 7,446 119,242 8330 120020 -779

(ARREARS PORTION IS BY Veteran Brigadier Vidya Sagar & Circulated  vide FB)